Seller's Information

Sellers are also highly challenged in the current real estate market. You might be facing foreclosure feeling you have no other option than to put your homes on the market through a realtor. Your realtor may have told you this is your only choice. Now you have to sit through the stress of waiting to see if you will be one of the lucky ones to get the price you are asking. Without the sale, you will have no choice but to turn over your home to the bank. You might have to move quickly but the home is not selling. You are forced to drop the price below what you need just to get it sold. Finally, you might be forced to list the home For Sale by Owner in hopes of selling for a set price which is challenging in Colorado Springs. FSBO sales are more difficult here than in other markets around the country. Selling a home on your own is a scary process.

We understand the challenges. We have sold homes FSBO and through realtors for various reasons. This understanding allows us to offer options that you may not have realized you have. The options available are based on your current challenge and your need. We work with a group of private investors that allow us to purchase homes in a very short period of time. We also offer a terms purchase which will allow us the ability to give you a better price for your home.

The bottom line is we are here for you. We are not about pressuring you into selling your home. It is about education. Eliminate the stress of your challenge by understanding all of your options. Not just the one option that others are presenting to you. We would love to meet with you to discuss your situation.

We do not include a contact sheet on this website as we feel it is too impersonal. We feel that to help you in the way you deserve, we should spend the time to get to know you and truly understand your challenges and your needs. Please contact us and let us begin the process of stress elimination today.

Contact Information –
Tracy 719-339-0215
Email –